Hypno-Kinesiology with Ho’oponopono and Huna
Erasing of trauma from conception through early childhood and beyond.
This is my very unique and own creation and you will not find this anywhere else. I combine five very powerful modalities that I am trained and experienced in. The results have been extraordinary!
Hypno-Kineosology erases traumas experienced from conception through early childhood and beyond. I use Hypno-Kineosology together with Ho’oponopono, the “Power of Forgiveness”- and Huna, ancient Hawaiian wisdom.
This system finds and releases the roots of many fears, phobias and negative beliefs. Traumas are released simply and without the person having to re-live the experiences. Once this emotional load is released, the person senses an inner growth and feels lighter, more confident and happy.
Spiritual Life Coaching
Keala brings great enthusiasm and a lifetime of experience to her intuitive healing and counseling work. Keala supports you to get in touch with the intuitive voice of your heart. Once that connection is made, then there is a natural orientation to discover loving, beautiful and courageous solutions in life.
What’s my life’s purpose?
Keala’s coaching process will help you to gain clarity about your personal and professional mission.
How can I heal my body and experience more vibrant energy within?
As a former pharmacist with decades of experience in the wellness field, Keala can guide you in regards to nutrition, natural remedies, and energy medicine.
How can I experience more passion for my work, love, romance and my life’s path?
Keala will choose the right out of her treasure box, be it Tarot Cards, Astrology or her Hawaiian Huna tools, to help you on your path to happiness.
Dear Higher Self help me to fulfill my purpose.
Use my talents and abilities to spread LOVE.
I surrender my work to you.
Help me to remember that my real work is
To LOVE the world back to HEALTH.
Keala Gerhard’s Prayer Mission Statement