Audio / Video / Articles

Our Timeless Secrets Radio Show – with Mahri Best – Sonoma California

Listen to Keala talk with Mahri Best.
Start listening at 13:55 (13min 55sec).

How Distant Healing Works
short video with Gregg Braden

5 Things I’ve Learned After Being Reconnected With The Universe
by Ashley Lomelino
Beautiful blog article about The Reconnection.


Listen to Kryon talk about Quantum Healing and DNA Revealed

Learn more about the importance of Reconnective Healing.

Joe Dispenza clearly explaining the healing of the inner child.
Start watching at 42:10 (42min 10sec).

Kyron – New Tools – January 2020
At 25 minutes into it, there is amazing info for healers. (“Healer are you listening?”)

Any imbalance in your body?
At 29 minutes there is a totally new tool that Kryon gives us to heal each other


Reconnective Healing: Heal Others, Heal Yourself

from The Changing Paradigm with Dr. Patricia Hill


Dr Eric Pearl

Dr. Eric Pearl, founder of Reconnective Healing, has done several video appearances that you may remember him from. You may be able to learn more about Reconnective Healing with these links below.


The Reconnection – Book
Heal Others, Heal Yourself

This introductory book takes you on Eric Pearl’s journey from the discovery of his ability to heal, to his well-deserved reputation as the instrument through which this process is being introduced to the world. The frequencies of healing described by Dr. Pearl transcend technique entirely and bring you to levels beyond those previously accessible to anyone, anywhere.

You can get more information about and purchase The Reconnection book here.


Dr. Eric Pearl and Fred Ponzlov share their SECRETS in the Channeling of this Book. Mahri describes the information and experience of reading the book as; “A Universal Truth ready to explode…in Love.”

First read The Reconnection book. Then you will be prepared to read this more advanced book. You can get more information about and purchase Solomon Speaks here.

Mahri Best interviews Dr. Eric Pearl and Frank Ponzlov
on her radio show “Our Timeless Secret”
(the interview starts at 14:00 min)

Our Timeless Secrets Radio Show – with Mahri Best – Sonoma California

Listen to Keala talk with Mahri Best.
Start listening at 13:55 (13min 55sec).

How Distant Healing Works
short video with Gregg Braden

Kyron – New Tools – January 2020
At 25 minutes into it, there is amazing info for healers. (“Healer are you listening?”)

Any imbalance in your body?
At 29 minutes there is a totally new tool that Kryon gives us to heal each other


5 Things I’ve Learned After Being Reconnected With The Universe
by Ashley Lomelino
Beautiful blog article about The Reconnection.


Listen to Kryon talk about Quantum Healing and DNA Revealed

Learn more about the importance of Reconnective Healing.

Joe Dispenza clearly explaining the healing of the inner child.
Start watching at 42:10 (42min 10sec).

Dr Eric Pearl

Dr. Eric Pearl, founder of Reconnective Healing, has done several video appearances that you may remember him from. You may be able to learn more about Reconnective Healing with these links below.


The Reconnection – Book
Heal Others, Heal Yourself

This introductory book takes you on Eric Pearl’s journey from the discovery of his ability to heal, to his well-deserved reputation as the instrument through which this process is being introduced to the world. The frequencies of healing described by Dr. Pearl transcend technique entirely and bring you to levels beyond those previously accessible to anyone, anywhere.

You can get more information about and purchase The Reconnection book here.


Dr. Eric Pearl and Fred Ponzlov share their SECRETS in the Channeling of this Book. Mahri describes the information and experience of reading the book as; “A Universal Truth ready to explode…in Love.”

First read The Reconnection book. Then you will be prepared to read this more advanced book. You can get more information about and purchase Solomon Speaks here.

Mahri Best interviews Dr. Eric Pearl and Frank Ponzlov
on her radio show “Our Timeless Secret”
(the interview starts at 14:00 min)